Lash Extensions

Lash Extensions
The Eyelash Extension kit

Permanent Eyelashes

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Traveling - New Feature In Town

january 20,2008
It's a New Year and new movies starting up here is Vancouver, Canada. Even though there is no word yet on the writers strike settling, there are still Feature Films that have been written. Now is a great time for these films to find top notch technical crew in Vancouver.
I have begun working on a feature film called, " Traveling".
The leading lady is Jennifer Aniston, and the lead actor is Aaron Ackhart.
Now, don't get too excited, I'm not working on Jen's hair. She has brought up all her own peeps, including body guards and costumer designers.
This feature film, "Traveling", will be shooting here for the next 2 months. All in the Vancouver and Seattle area.


webrapper said... I'm curious. If not Anniston's, then whose hair is reaping the benefits of your expertise?

Kudos too for getting back to blogging in January! You were missed!

Kandace Loewen said...

This time around , I'm taking the backseat to "hairstyling for the stars". This is a part time gig for me. I am spending more time blogging, keeping my e-commerce site up to date, eyelash extensions, spray tanning, and of course, working out at the gym.

webrapper said...

Yo, Kandace...March 10th! Awaiting your "late-est" update. You might enjoy my latest, "Skin Deep?":

Happy Day!